sign up for the waitlist

A 12-week group coaching program to help you transition to plant-based with ease

Join an empowering community for plant-based beginners

Chances are you want to make sure you’re getting all the right nutrients, while also making meal planning simple, satisfying, and delicious as heck. Understandably, all that can be pretty confusing to tackle alone.

But with the right community by your side, you can find the tools and knowledge you need to feel confident throughout the early stages of your plant-based journey.

It can be overwhelming to transition to
plant-based without the right guidance. I mean,
have you seen all the conflicting information on the internet? It’s a lot to navigate! 

It can be overwhelming to transition to plant-based without the right guidance. I mean, have you seen all the conflicting information on the internet? It’s a lot to navigate! 

12 weeks. A lifetime of sustainable habits.

Leverage the power of others on a similar journey as you 

In this program, you’ll get 12 weeks of live group coaching calls with me and an encouraging community of like-minded people to support you along the way.

As an added bonus, you’ll also have the option to book two 1:1 sessions with my wonderful assistant nutrition coach, Katie, for individualized support!

Sign me up for the waitlist

"The connection to other women who are on similar journeys was invaluable.”  |   Ashley R.

"I loved hearing ideas and the similar struggles we had.”  |   Rachel

"I liked connecting with others on the same journey..”  |   Tiffany

10 years of research and mentoring rolled up into a easy-to-implement package

Eating plant-based isn't something that comes naturally to a lot of us, especially with what's ingrained in our society. With this program, you'll get the tools I wish I had when I first went plant-based. You’ll get all the tips and tricks from what I've learned over the last ten years of implementing, researching, teaching, and mentoring.

I was alone on my journey, which is why I'm so passionate about creating this community where you don't have to be.

How is this program different?

You'll have the option to pay upfront

get $100 off

or you'll have the option to use a payment plan

get $100 off

You'll have the option to pay upfront

Join the waitlist and save $100

or you'll have the option for a payment plan

Join the waitlist and save $100

You'll have the option to Pay Upfront

Save $100

Or you'll have the option to use a payment plan

Save $100

I'm ready to join the waitlist!

Option to book two one-on-one coaching calls: Get custom, private support where you need it most during private nutrition sessions!

Weekly educational modules: You’ll have full access to my self-paced video program as a guide and to expand on your learning throughout your journey (a $348 value alone).

Access to a private Facebook community of like-minded people: Enjoy ongoing connection to your fellow Plant Centered pals! Post questions whenever you want and let your community (and me!) help you out. The best part is these connections can last long beyond the program.

Weekly, live group coaching calls with your community: Each week, we’ll cover an essential topic to help you implement a vibrant, sustainable plant-based lifestyle. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions and hear from your group members’ experiences. Recordings are always available if you can’t attend live.

Downloadable resources: Accompany each module with resources including a stock your fridge, pantry and freezer guide, recipes, and sample meal plans. You’ll also have access to TONS of vetted educational resources while you’re in the program—so you can stop turning to Dr. Google. 

The program structure

Are looking to transition to a more plant-based diet but you’re confused about how to do it

Want to work toward improving your health with plant-based eating

Are new to plant-based and don't feel 100% confident with your approach

Want to go plant-based and avoid the "diet" mentality as you do it

Want to be surrounded by a supportive community with similar goals!

This group coaching program is for you if you...

There’s nothing like having people who “just get it”


I'm ready to sign up!

Join the waitlist

Create a sustainable plant-based lifestyle with ease

Our Twelve Week Plant-Based Journey

We’ll kick things off with an introduction to the community and everything you need to know about your 12-week plant-based journey.


Week One.

You’ll identify your “why” and hone in on how this journey is going to add value to your life.

Identify your "why"

Week Two.

Learn how to start your transition to plant-based or refine your current plant-based approach with intention.

Starting out

Week Three.

Explore how to master plant-based meal planning, recipe finding, and meal prepping to best fit your needs.

Mastering meals

Week Four.

You’ll reimagine your plate and take a deep-dive into plant-based macros without calorie counting or dieting.

plant-based macros

Week Five.

Explore how to be mindful of your micronutrients as a plant-based eater and supplements you may want to consider. 


Week Six.

Spirit week! It’s time to apply what you’ve learned. Get ready for an exciting week of daily plant-based challenges and prizes!

Daily challenges

Week Seven.

This week, we’ll introduce mindful and intuitive eating and how you can make this lifestyle beautifully satisfying.

Intuitive eating

Week Eight.

This is a week to really check in with how your body is feeling. We’ll cover everything from bloating and bowel movements to sleep and so much more!


Week Nine.

You’ll work on identifying your purpose, passion, and drive for a plant-based life beyond this group. 

Beyond the group

Week Ten.

Then it’s time to tackle how to be plant-based in the real world. We’ll cover things like eating out, responding to critics, maintaining community, and more.

real world challenges

Week Eleven.

It’s time to celebrate! You’ll put all the pieces together so you can feel confident and at ease with your plant-based journey.

Time to celebrate

Week Twelve..

When I started transitioning to plant-based in 2012, I was completely alone. My family wasn't plant-based, my friends thought I was crazy, and I had no idea what I was doing.

I grew up on the standard American diet and, ever since I could remember, my body didn't feel 100%. I wasn't going to the bathroom regularly, my stomach felt crummy, and I was always looking to quick fixes, medications, and doctors. Even after becoming a dietitian and doing everything I was taught in school, I found no relief from how I was feeling. I needed to start advocating for my body, my health, and my future.

After a lot of research and stumbling across a few plant-based documentaries (hello, Forks Over Knives), I felt a pull to try plant-based eating.

The only problem? I had no clue where to start! I had no support, no guidance, and way too many people told me that this was extreme. I was discouraged and overwhelmed but also motivated to try something new and different. But, I've learned this way of eating is far from extreme and has been so beneficial for my health.

You also feel a pull to eat more plants for your own, unique reason. That's why this group was created for you. I don't want you to feel alone on your journey like I did.

You can make the transition with an incredible like-minded community. Together and with this group, we can make it happen in a way that feels best for YOU!

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & Nutrition Coach

Hi! I'm Ashley Kitchens, your plant-based mentor

Like so many, Katie spent most of her adult life struggling with her relationship with food. But, eventually, she found Plant Centered Nutrition and learned how to build sustainable habits that empower her to be a stronger, healthier, more confident version of herself.

She wants to pay it forward so you can also feel the benefits she’s experienced from adopting a new approach to food. She pursued this passion by becoming a Certified Nutritionist and Coach with Precision Nutrition and joining the Plant Centered Nutrition team.

Throughout the program and in your private session, Katie will help you design a lifestyle that not only allows you to achieve your goals, but maintain them. She’ll help you eat with mindfulness and intention, incorporate more plants, and live a fuller life.

Your Assistant Nutrition Coach & Fellow Plant-Based Pal

Meet Katie Selvey!

How To Apply

Our program start date is TBD. We will let you know as soon as possible with the start date.

As we get closer to the start date, you'll receive everything you need via email to get started!

Program kick-off!

Step two.


Click one of the buttons on this page to join the waitlist for the next cohort. Joining the waitlist will get you $100 off your final payment.

If you have any questions or want to make sure you're a good fit for the program, please email me at with "Group Coaching" in the subject line.

Click a button

Step one.



"Ashley knows exactly how to make you feel empowered to keep progressing with zero guilt or feelings of failure involved."


“I absolutely LOVE Ashley's approach to this group! Reminding us that we can take things at our own pace, that there should not be guilt in our decisions, that having choices is power! The connection to other women who are on similar journeys was invaluable.”


"I loved hearing ideas from other people and the similar struggles we had. It makes you realize we are all in a similar process."

When you have others in the same boat, rowing becomes so much easier.

Group coaching feedback


This program is a great fit for you if you’re wanting to make a plant-centered way of eating sustainable, easy, and enjoyable while getting all your essential nutrients. It’s also perfect for you if you value connecting with like-minded people, learning from each others’ experiences, and the opportunity to get real-time feedback on your questions.

I have been practicing and improving on this approach for nearly ten years. I know this journey is not easy to do alone and that there is power in learning and implementing with group accountability and support. I feel strongly in the tools I'm giving you to help you create success, feel confident, and transform your life. It's up to you to put in the work and I, along with the group, will be there supporting you.

If you have any questions or want to make sure this is a good fit for you, feel free to email me at (the best way) or DM me on Instagram @plantcenterednutrition.

How do I know if this is the right fit for me?


This group coaching program is $1500 for 12 weeks of group coaching, two private nutrition sessions, all the accompanying course materials (including my full self-paced digital program), and access to an empowering community (aka the best part!).

You have the option to pay in full or split the payments up into four monthly payments of $399.

How much does the program cost? And are payment plans available?

The program is 12 weeks long. Each week includes at least one teaching module and one group coaching call per week.

You'll be responsible for watching each week's teaching module(s) before the coaching call.

You'll also have the option to book two 1:1 coaching calls while you're in the program.

How long is the group coaching program?


Our kick-off call is Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 7pm EST!

Each week, calls will alternate between being held during the day and in the evenings to give those with varying schedules the opportunity to join live.

Every call will be recorded and the replay will be made available to you. It's okay if you're unable to attend some of the calls live.

If you're unable to attend a live group coaching call, there is ongoing availability for you to ask questions in our private Facebook group.

When does the program start? What if I can’t make some sessions?



I’m so ready to reserve my spot!

Sign up to join the next group coaching program!

Ready to eat more plants together?

Start date tbd

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